
About Us

EventVote is an innovative and complete goal-oriented company, which is into event management services such as event ticketing, event voting, trivia management system, event vendor management system, event forms management system services. We use through our website,mobile app and short codes to help customers achieve their goals.



We manage an efficient voting system that allows you to set up a voting contest for free. This can be either a pageant, awards or a reality show. Our system allows users to either PAY-TO-VOTE or VOTE-FOR-FREE for their preferred choice off contestant/nominee depending on the goal the event organizer wants to achieve.


We manage an efficient online events ticketing and registration system that allow event Organizers to list their upcoming events on our website for their users to register to attend their events. We use latest technology on our website that allows users to have seamless experience registering for your event online while you have access to sales report on the admin portal. Event organizers can list their paid or free tickets respectively and ask their audience to buy the event tickets or to register for free.


When it comes to marketing your event, EventHub maximizes every opportunity to promote the unique nature of your brand. Over the course of years in the business, we’ve successfully marketed countless events across virtually every sector imaginable. No matter what your specific objectives may be, our event agency takes care of the marketing process to ensure your event enjoys optimal success.


No Initial Step Up Cost

Event Organizer is allowed to register on our platform and use our services without making any initial payment or deposit. It is free to start.

Excellent Support

Our Technical and Client Relation Team are on standby 24/7 to assist you resolve all technical issues.

Payment is 100% Safe

For any payment option you choose to complete a transaction, your details are 100% secured & safe. Our system does not store user payment details.

Fast Pay-Out

Pay-Out is within 1-3 days once an event is ended and there are no issues.

Excellent Reporting

View real-time report logs on all transactions & Results. Monitor sales as it happens on your own dashboard.

Marketing Support

We support you with the free digital (or online) marketing to drive & boost sales revenue.